mintie christmas tree lights

Mindful Mintie Says "Choose LED Lights for your Decorations


mintie christmas tree lights

Choose LED Lights for More Energy Efficient Decorations  

There’s no doubt that the twinkling of lights hanging from a tree or welcoming doorway really make it feel like Christmas. And with the average household having 100 lights adorning their homes each year that's a lot of energy fact, according to a recent survey by Which magazine, the electricity costs the average home £9 a month. This eco-swap to move to LED lights instead will also save you around £8 as LEDs use only 10% of the electrical energy of filament bulbs. Using less energy than the standard like LED’s are definitely the more energy efficient choice. The difference between LED bulbs and standard bulbs is LED emit no heat and are made with light-emitting diodes instead of a filament. This makes them not only more energy efficient but safer too as they don’t burn out like regular bulbs. They also have a much longer lifespan with the LED version lasting for up to 25 times longer!

However here at Mintie HQ we are always about using what you have to hand first, so if you have a set of regular Christmas lights that are working and good to go - stick with them first. Invest in LED lights when the need arises and you will have a longer lasting, lower energy set to last you for years to come. Most importantly - check what you have already before succumbing to the impulse to buy a new one! 


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